Bring FAITH, HOPE and LOVE into the World

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Now Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidnece of things not seen.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (MEV)

Love suffers long and is kind , love envies not , love flaunts not itself and is not puffed up, does not behave itsclf improperly , seeks not its own , is not easily provoked, thinks no evil ; rejoices not in iniquity , but rejoices in the truth , bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endure all things. Love never fails.


Help people know and understand the Word of God for living in the Faith, Hope, Love, and the Joy of the Lord always for the strength needed to be and remain hopeful as they build their relationship with God training and discipling Believers to do the same.


Strengthen the knowledge and understanding of all people they always have hope because they are Loved by God Who Is LOVE and to bring Hope and LOVE to the hopeless, unloved, and the lost souls so that they meet, accept, and know The God of LOVE Himself


We put the Word of God and Prayer first place in our lives.

We live by Faith and walk in hope (expectation) and Love.

We pray about everything and are led by the Holy Spirit.

We live in integrity, honor God always while helping people find their God given purpose.